Sunday, October 30, 2016

Marvel Universe Dormammu!

Hey guys, ive wanted to do this character for a long time now. With the Dr. Strange movie coming figured nows a good time. One reason why I hadn't made the figure before now is I couldn't find the parts or base figure I wanted. I still didn't find the right parts and didn't want to do a Marvel Legends remake of that figure so I went for the full Frankenstein. 
I went through my fodder and found Marvel Legends Klaw.

The head seemed like itd be fun so I saved it for last.

Klaw has the one forearm so I just swapped both out with Baron Zemo
 forearms and dremeled the cuff down.

Feet first! Started with the feet, because I was trying the tape technique for the armor.


I used parts from MU Nova
for armor.

Here on the torso, chest, back and legs is the armor look and started working the shoulder pads. I made sure all the articulation was still in tact and started the details.

Got the face sculpt done and came up with an idea for the fire tendrils.

I used some felt and the heavier weaved tape to make cape and belt. With everything assembled and attached, all left to do is a few details and finish the head .

So heres the finished figure. I used Smooth cast 45d for the fire look. 45D is a softer resin I use for hair, capes or anything I want softer than the normal 325 resin. Also when I mixed the resin I added red and yellow dye to give the fire effect.


I used a few new techniques, and it paid off. This customizing is always trial and error, you just hope for the best when your trying new things.
This is definitely one of my favorite customs so far. I think he came out great!


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